The Great by Karl
英文版翻译 Ralph
中文翻译 王蕾
Life and Works
The story of Lao-tzu's life is told by Ssu-ma Ch’ien (c. 100 B.C. ). He was born in the state of Ch'u, in the of Hunan in China. For a time he was state () for the , the Chou . He did his best to live in and to .
At an age, when in his home state of Ch’u , he . At the of the guard he wrote the Tao Te Ching, in five words. Then he into the West. "No one knows where he ended his life.” -tzu says, , that Lao-tzu died at home, by his .
在年事已高的时候,他的祖国老子经典著作,楚国的境况不堪容忍,于是他西行而去。在守境官员的要求下,他撰写了五千字的《道德经》,然后消失在西方, “不知其所终“。然而,庄子说德国哲学家雅斯贝尔斯Life老子的生平与著作,老子是在家里,在文士的陪伴下去世的。
He is said to have lived in the sixth B.C. (the view, for this alone would make the him and , which put down as ), but other place him in the fifth( Forke) or even the . The will never be with any of . His name is by nor by nor by Mo Ti.
In view of the state in which the of that of has come down to us, it seems , at least to an , will ever in the Tao Te Ching by its style with that of other texts. The is for the of the text. The on the bear to the of the .
The of the Tao Te Ching and the of parts have been . , its inner is so that— and —one doubt that it was by a of the rank. The man seems to stand us and speak to us.
《道德经》的作者和某些部分的真实性备受争议。然而,尽管可能存在添加和扭曲,其内在一致性如此令人信服 ,使人无法怀疑其创造者是顶级思想家。他似乎就站在我们面前,与我们说话。
Tao Te Ching, the Book of Tao and Te, is a work of of , into -one short . The no one . , as the end of the " ", there are of . The is at the very and then in .
there is no , only of the , of the same idea in gives a of . , there is a unity of which lends to . The power of its ( play or wit), its , and the of a depth make the book one of the works of .
A can study the text only by the and their . We read Lao-tzu as we read Kant, or . The text does not speak to us in its own , but a media which and it—or on sets it off in too a light. The in one and are , quite in 6: to de Groot it deals of the , in other with the root of the , the “ of the ”, or the “ ”; to Lieh-tzu, to be sure (), the whole is a from an older book; Lao-tzu was in the habit of lines of poems, songs, and hymns. The is to make use of . The of the Tao Te Ching.
An of Lao-tzu is by a of , of the age in which he lived, of . If we are able here to with a , it is of the of this , which seems true and when apart from its .